I was given the opportunity to curate Vuka's Monthly Art Show for the month of July. Throughout this experience I got in touch with nearly 60 artists in Austin and narrowed it down to 7. The best part of this process was getting to see the amount of talented artists that live in this city. The show included installation art from Brooke Gassiot, Street Art from Michael "Truth" Johnston and a sculpture by David Culpepper. Our sponsor Dos Equis provided refreshments for the 200+ art lovers that attended the 3 hour event.
Vuka has graciously given me the opportunity to continue curating their future art shows. Check back for future dates and if you have any art you would like to submit just send it my way!
List of artists:
Ben Aqua (Video installation)
Brooke Gassiot ( Art installation)
David Culpepper (Sculpture)
Kiki Whatley ( In drawings)
Olin Roth (Painting)
Michael "Truth" Johnston (Painting)
Ben Newman (Photography)
Luis Angulo (Painting)
Vuka's website: