Muralist / Artist


Artstronger Show During E.A.S.T.

Live painting, Mr. T and transcendental art. Yup, those were among the many things you could find at our art show for EAST this year. Mike "Truth+ Johnston, Rex Hamilton and myself put up our art in a 100 year old house where we split up one of the walls three ways and got to painting.

The two weekend art extravaganza we call E.A.S.T. is organized by Big Medium every year. Over 500 private studios, galleries and temporary art shows opened their doors for two full weekends. For art lovers it is an intimate experience where they can see where artists make their work and have conversations with the artists themselves. The types of art you get to see vary widely, from sculpture to photography, painting and even performance art. As an artist I really value this opportunity to meet people and have conversations with other art lovers.

Big thanks for Dwellstronger for hosting us. Check out the awesome stuff they do at:

Till next year!

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